
Thanksgiving.. and Kidney Stones

Happy Thanksgiving to all who read this blog. Its a holiday, eh... I am not to found of holidays. The best part is I have been trying to pass a kidney stone for about a week now. Its not the worse stone I have had, in fact I haven't even gone to the emergency room, yet. I am use to passing them, only if I can't walk to I go to the doctor. I will admit that I am a little worried due to taking 30mg of prednisone, so I am worried about the infection that I might have in my kidney.
I went friday and watched 'Twilight'. I am big vampire fan, the move was good. It was far to quick and if you have read the books you will hate the movie. They rip the book apart, but if you take if for a just a movie it isn't bad. I do like the effects they used for the Vampires. I am looking forward to reading the next book.
I hate holiday depression! My lupus has been doing really really well, but I still just get overwhelemed this time of year. I would boycot christmas if it was up to me. My daughters would disown me if I tried that. I try.. I really do but sometimes I just don't have the energy to deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. hey there ... the LFA is hosting a webchat which might be of interest to you. Depression & Lupus. It's scheduled for Wed., December 10 at 3 p.m. Eastern. You can learn more about it here http://www.lupus.org/webmodules/webarticlesnet/templates/new_communitywebchats.aspx?articleid=517&zoneid=93

    hang tough,
